
Showing posts from August, 2020

Student Success!

  Setting your child up for success: As we prepare to embark on this new school year and distance learning, please help your child find a space in which they will be able to focus while they work.  Please help them organize their school materials so they are readily available during the school day. *If you have multiple children who will be distance learning, it may help for each child to use headphones with a microphone so they are better able to focus and participate in class/small group discussions. Student Behavior Expectations During Meeting Times: Join the session on time --attendance will be taken and reported Students mute themselves upon entering the meeting Student camera must be on The chat feature is only for questions/ comments related to the session Students need to focus on the lesson / activity / topic and avoid working on other things (i.e., email, texting, side conversations, or other assignments)


I know I k now! We are not at our school location, but I want you to know that breakfast cost is $1.50 f or students, or free for students who qualify for free/reduced lunches.  Lunch cost is $2.90 or free and milk is .50 cents .   Federal lunch applications are available online at (or may be picked up at the school office).  Remember: A new application must be completed every year. Money can be put in the student’s account and each day a meal is purchased, the student scans their card and the price is deducted from their account.   PPS Meal Distribution: Important Dates and Changes      We will resume meal distribution at 36 sites across the district on Wednesday, September 2. We will have a full list of sites and times available to families next week, once details are finalized.  The location closest to Maplewood is Markham School at 10531 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219.

School Supplies

  Maplewood Elementary School   Ms. Smith’s 5 th Grade Supply List 2020-2021 As you know, we are beginning this school year with online learning.  However, below is our supply list for a typical year and want to give you the opportunity to hit the sales in the hopes that we will eventually be returning to our classroom.  As always, if any of this is a hardship, please let us know.  Here is the list of of school supplies for your student: #2 pencils always on hand - Ticonderoga brand preferred 2 plain paper pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue)  4 composition books (1 red, designs ok, college ruled ) - No spirals please 4 or more large glue sticks 1 large eraser - white Hi-Polymer by Pentel preferred 1 box of CRAYOLA colored pencils (24 count) 4 black Sharpies (2 fine point & 2 thick point) 1 box of CRAYOLA thin markers (10 count) 1 CRAYOLA or PRANG watercolor paint set (8 colors) 2 or more packets of lightly colored sticky Post-it® Notes 1 Student Planner/Calendar for 20

My Bitmoji Classroom! Check it out!
